Something for Everyone Gibran Villalobos Gibran Villalobos talks about the ways that the MCA reaches visitors. Chicago Education Events Future Staff
Lindy, Ruth, and the Calders Lisa Key Lisa Key tells the story of Ruth Horwich describing the works in a Calder exhibition for Lindy Bergman, who had recently lost her eyesight. 2010s Artists Exhibitions Founders Staff Women
Jeff Koons, Part-Time Preparator Mary E. Ittelson Mary E. Ittelson remembers Jeff Koons before he was a household name. 1980s Artists Exhibitions Staff
“It Was Thrilling” Helyn Goldenberg The MCA's first years were marked by experimentation and excitement. Helyn Goldenberg recalls some highlights. 1960s Christo Firsts Founders Staff
Early Bets and Bully Pulpits Michael Darling Bringing in emerging artists, such as Wu Tsang or Ellen Berkenblit, makes the museum a driver of discourse. Artists Collection Staff
“Controversies” at the MCA Lynne Warren From the beginning of its history, the MCA has shown art that has taken risks, and occasionally has engendered controversy. The controversies tend to be of two types: people are. . . more Controversies Exhibitions Staff
Dangerous Exhibitions Helen Dunbeck Prioritizing the artist's intent comes with some interesting side effects. 1980s Artists Exhibitions Staff
Art and Life Omar Kholeif Omar Kholeif talks about the overlap of his life and art at the MCA. 2010s Artists Chicago Community Staff