We Will Have the Title of Great Museum Allen Turner Excerpts from Allen Turner's stirring speech for the Chicago Avenue building groundbreaking. 1990s Chicago Avenue Events Move Talks
Allen Turner’s Ballad for the MCA Allen Turner The first lines of his song about the MCA recited. Board Community
Taking Risks at the Armory Show Allen Turner The ideas that were generated by the successful Armory show—the last before it was demolished for the Chicago Avenue building—set the stage for some of the presentations at the new. . . more 1990s Building Chicago Avenue Exhibitions
Joseph Kleihues Allen Turner Allen Turner talks about Joseph Paul Kleiheus, architect of the MCA's current building. 1990s Artists Building Global Move
Jerry Stone’s Sharp Fundraising Allen Turner Allen Turner reminisces on Jerry Stone’s incredible fundraising abilities. Board Building Donors Move
Going Against the Postmodern Grain Allen Turner Initial reactions by critics to the Kleihues building were mixed. 1990s Building Design Move
Searching for an Architect Allen Turner The world-tour search for a new architect: Allen Turner describes the finalists for the building design commission. Building Design Global Move
Bound Together by the MCA Allen Turner Many founders of the new MCA were outsiders who had not been invited to join the board of the Art Institute. Board Collectors Community